Search found 17 matches

Re: Drink driving with a child

My advice would be to Get back to the meetings ASAP and take a good long look at step one!
Replies: 19
Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:26 pm

Re: Drink driving with a child

My advice would be to Get back to the meetings ASAP and take a good long look at step one!
Replies: 19
Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:24 pm

Re: Print ax banning unaccompanied children

The shop owner is loosing out both ways, Probably looked at as a bad shop because he wont deal with unaccompanied school children and youngsters also by the loss of a much needed sale or sales ?? I don't blame the shop I think they must be very upset at the behaviour of some of our youngsters ?? I k...
Replies: 6
Mon May 19, 2014 8:42 am

Re: My neighbours are very loud

I would knock on the door and ask if they have noticed any mice in their bedroom lately?? Tell them every night they go to bed the little blighters start screaming and making moaning & groaning noises all night long??? Ask if they can check out where the noise is coming from and if its mice coul...
Forum: Chat Here
Replies: 9
Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:04 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

@lazy-bones thank you for your contribution and obviously AA was good for you. That said not everyone who drinks, and/or drinks to excess, is or will ever be an alcoholic. Most people can and do manage their alcohol intake and enjoy it and its social benefits etc. The OP asked for advice and AA is ...
Replies: 39
Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:01 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Hi I am fast becoming a functioning alcoholic, alcohol dependent at the very least. Since returning to work full time (and more) in addition to my responsibilities as a wife and mother to two young children, wine has become my coping mechanism of "choice". Now it's not that I'm turning to...
Replies: 39
Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:58 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Good morning
I hope the woman or anybody else who feels they might have a problem with alcohol realizes they are not alone! That their is help available if they have the courage to ask.
AA is a program of attraction as opposed to promotion and must always be that way.
Replies: 39
Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:19 am

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

I identify with you so much...& I rather suspect there are a lot more of us in the same boat. I have been grappling with the same problem that seems to have crept up on me, so a couple of months ago I resolved to delve in to the (shocking) facts about drinking a bottle of wine a night, the heal...
Replies: 39
Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:35 am

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Thank you
I totally understand how she feels, I couldn't go to AA either in the early days :roll: I thought my life was finished when I went through the doors of an AA meeting.
Now I look back and realise it had only just begun ...
Hope all have a beautiful Xmas
Replies: 39
Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:54 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

why the anger? There is no need to shoot me down here.. what works for some might not work for others. Every person has their way. If AA is the only way for you, if that's where you're at, great. Comparing myself to Best or Gasgoine is not where I'm at. Let's put things in perspective. Be gentle wi...
Replies: 39
Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:48 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Yes that is great. I reckon an activity and a conscious effort to monitor how much you drink is the way forward. Trust me if I want a drink I will have one, knitting or not. The diary keeps me more motivated:) This is called the Paul Gascoigne & George Best method? Its the 1st Drink that does t...
Replies: 39
Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:45 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Try AA if it doesn't work we can refund your misery Your going to get a lot of advice about how to slow down your drinking and control your alcohol intake ( trying whisky in milk on a full stomach or cutting down at parties, Changing from a strong wine to a weak wine, perhaps leaving some in the bot...
Replies: 39
Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:05 pm

Re: Functioning Alcoholic

Call the AA help Line...0845 7697555 There is an OPEN AA meeting at the friends & family meeting rooms in Byrne Road SW12 on Wednesday evenings starts at 7.30 (corner of Bedford Road and Byrne roads) Its an open AA meeting all are welcome, Their you will fi...
Replies: 39
Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:57 am

Re: Mum almost mugged in Earlsfield warning!

In today's society we should all carry a personal security device like a mobile phone with a built in camera/video recorder that sends immediate recordings to our email addresses all at a touch of a single button? This will record the time date and identify possible offenders even if they manage ste...
Replies: 4
Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:15 am

Re: Is my cleaner stealing money from me?

Well done it takes a certain amount of courage to fire someone whom you thought you could trust! Your husband did the right thing by confronting her at the door and catching her unawares like that? Glad your going to speak to safer neighbourhood bobbies good move

Happy xmas x
Forum: Chat Here
Replies: 8
Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:47 pm